Last night I had a crazy dream....Nothing was actually happening to me, so I think I was more of an observer/narrator.
I was in a house with a young family: a mom, dad, and two kids. The British and the American soldiers were fighting on the lawn. From the looks of their costumes, you could tell they were actors, but we were still really scared. The soldiers on both sides were not only fighting with weapons but also with funoodles (like what kids play with at the pool). A couple British soldiers came up to the house and were peeking in the windows - which were so high that they could just barely see in. They were looking for the husband who was hiding under the laundry, standing up with bed sheet hanging off of him. As the soldiers were looking in, the husband thought it would be a good time to find a new hiding place. As he emerged, I saw that it was my coworker, Brian. Instantly the soldiers saw him and came into the house and threw him on the ground. They took a Nerf gun that could shoot tennis balls and sawed off the barrel. They shot Brian multiple times in the back. We were all in hysterics. In the next scene, I was helping the wife clean up. Brian was gone - dead I think. As we were cleaning, Purple Heart showed up and wanted a clothing donation that had been arranged previously by Brain. She said she could wait and understood the delay. I gathered some of Brian's tshirts and gave them to Purple Heart.
Then I woke up...not sure to what, but I had forgotten to set my alarm, and had overslept. Luckily, the 4th of July is this week and not many people went in to work today, so I was right on time.