Monday, June 22, 2009


I have had lots of fun planning and accomplishing the things on my list. I have learned a lot and I love being able to check things off.

The mid-year (which was June 12th) count is 12 done, 7 planned/started, and 8 to go. Here is what the list looks like as of today:

1. GRADUATE from Library School
2. Read “To Kill a Mockingbird”
3. Visit the Newseum
4. Take a trip somewhere I’ve never been before (Greece/Turkey)
5. Take a creative class (pottery)
6. Train for a half marathon
7. Read (or listen to) Anna Karenina
8. Visit the Capitol Visitor’s Center
9. Hike Old Rag
10. Whale Watch
11. See the Supreme Court in session
12. Pansy Skydiving (Vertical Wind Tunnel)
13. Go to the National Arboretum
14. See a show on Broadway
15. Take the water taxi to Georgetown
16. Attend the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
17. Sample a new ethnic food
18. Hike 3 miles on the Appalachian Trail
19. See an Opera
20. Visit the National Geographic Society
21. Go to Washington’s Grist Mill
22. Tour the DAR
23. Attend a professional soccer game
24. Play laser tag
25. Write a short story
26. Ride a donkey up a mountain
27. Is a secret

For the 7 planned/started: number 5 starts next Thursday; in correlation with number 6, I joined the gym at work; numbers 12 and 18 will happen over 4th of July weekend (yay for Tennessee!); 16 happens at Thanksgiving; number 23 is planned for August 22 (anyone want to come?); and I have started on number 25 (but I very often get stuck).

I think the other 8 will wait until late summer and fall.