Thursday, May 30, 2013


I long to write.

I’ve written most of my life.

The other day, I found a story I wrote when I was 5 or 6 about a toad and a flea that were pals. I have binders full of essays and poems and short stories through high school and college.

I have boxes and shelves of journals and notebooks and paper scraps containing events, thoughts, sketches, worries, heartbreaks, goals, dreams, successes, joy. There have been times I’ve written daily and others when it’s been a lot less frequent than that. I cherish these records; records of who I was and who I’ve become and who I want to be. In hard times and happy times, I’ve reviewed their pages and received strength and clarity. 

I also have this blog. This blog has never had a true vision. I communicate through it. Sometimes, I want to have thousands and thousands of readers and be witty and cleaver and share my thoughts and life with the world. Other times, I want to be silent. Most of the time, I just try to share little bits of me and I feel satisfied. It happens irregularly, but it happens.

I find myself, refine myself, through writing; Heaven communicates with me when I write. 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Guest Post on My Bookbloom

Today I’m over at my friend Miranda’s blog, My Bookbloom, for her series Friday Favorites. Check it out!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Time Flies

My baby is six weeks old already. The other night I got up to feed him and it felt like he had gained five pounds. He changes so quickly.

The weeks have flown by. I'm always surprised when another Friday comes around. But at the same time life has slowed down significantly in terms of what is "accomplished" every day. I now measure my tasks in terms of what I can get done while the baby sleeps or where i can go between feedings (although I'm getting more used to nursing while we're out). It's a lot less than before, but I don't seem to mind.

It's a joy to watch him do anything and everything he does is cute - even his offended cry when he pulls the corners of him mouth down. I love listening to his squeaks and chirps and little giggles. I especially love feeding him when he's wide awake and his blue-grey eyes sparkle up at me. He smiles a lot lately and little dimples appear; he has two dimples but they rarely are seen at the same time.