Monday, November 21, 2011

Gratitude and 27

I’m grateful to all those who prayed for my brother-in-law’s family. His wife and youngest daughter returned to the States a few weeks ago. My brother-in-law and Taylee will be home tomorrow! I’m so grateful to the Lord and for this wonderful miracle.

I’ve been working on several projects lately. I’m finishing up a Blurb book project about the 27 things I did when I was 27. I wasn’t sure what to do with the cover. A while back I found this blog post on how to make printables and have been wanting to try it. I’m really pleased with the way it turned out and I’m excited to do more.

Many 27s


Tammy said...

Yay! That's great news--and what a darling cover that would make!

Sara said...

I'm do glad for your family.

And I am so excited for your project! I will be excited to hear what you think of working with Blurb. My MIL uses it all the time, but I have never had the courage to stray outside of Shutterfly for books.

Chelsea Belle said...

OOOOO, I'm 30 this year, I may hafta steal your idea and do 30 things, to distract me from realizing I'm getting older:)
Love the cover.